Friday, August 17, 2012

Beauty and the Beach-Go For It

OK, let's proceed onward to another topic other than all the beauty and the beasts on our North American beaches. Hot bodies only grab just so many looks. Then its on to another viewpoint, eyes searching for bolder meaning in newly found realities, one can only take in just so much skin.

Great Lakes beaches are at the top of the finest freshwater beaches in the entire world. I have meandered along many of the best ones around Michigan shorelines, including remote islands where the only sounds you usually hear all day are waves and wings, that's a great title for a workshop!  Waves and Wings! Think I 'll use it soon as a title for an all season series of wandering beaches with artists who really want to see more details in their immediate surroundings and who really desire some deeper connections with creations not made by human hands. But back to the main topic now.

Beauty in the diverse details of our natural world defy strict classifications, they are always and every day changing. New forms come to new places, arriving there through a variety of ways and means. These forms can be driven into new places by drift of water, wind, sand, and any other means whereby they make a new landing for our eyes to land upon if we are sensitive to looking for them. Most walkers and sitters on the beaches are not expecting to see or find promising new designs and compositions that may be right in front or in back of their senses. Human senses are mostly atrophied to such a narrow viewpoint and angle that it takes something really big happening right in front of us to grab our immediate attention away from daydreaming or wondering what life has next for us. But there it is, life changing views along the beach awaiting your attention and appreciation if you choose to experience and encounter this newness of life. This new reality is there for you now, it may not be there in another minute, another hour, another day and so on. So you have to grab its details immediately, study them, suck them into your consciousness, and then find the joy of it all, a joy you experience but which you can also share if you wish to with words and images of your choice.

Some would say, what are you talking about?  These are the people you should stay away from. Or maybe you should clue them into this new reality that is separate from just what you can express about it in the moment of discovery. A lot of humanity has nothing left to discover because they expect nothing more than they know. I had a father like that, he never really expected to learn anything important to him after high school. How truly sad this attitude is. Life becomes nothing more than a daily dull routine and experiences of no expectations.

Wild Blue explorations is all about confronting that mindset of continuing dullness by beach explorations for discovering all the endless variety of changes life has to find joy in. The faces of creation are all about finding joy and goodness. These faces are smiling back too. So come find them with us, its all about sharing.